It’s useful to have a copy of the first few rows at hand for problem-solving purposes

With reference to The Binomial Theorem:



(a+b)0                1

(a+b)1                1          1

(a+b)2                1          2          1

(a+b)3                1          3          3          1

(a+b)4                1          4          6          4          1

(a+b)5                1          5          10          10          5          1

(a+b)6                1          6          15          20          15          6          1



Combination Version: nCr = C(n,r)



C(1,0)          C(1,1)

C(2,0)          C(2,1)          C(2,2)

C(3,0)          C(3,1)          C(3,2)          C(3,3)

C(4,0)          C(4,1)          C(4,2)          C(4,3)          C(4,4)

C(5,0)          C(5,1)          C(5,2)          C(5,3)          C(5,4)          C(5,5)

C(6,0)          C(6,1)          C(6,2)          C(6,3)          C(6,4)          C(6,5)          C(6,6)